Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The New Job

So I've heard the question a few times this week... "Do you like the new job?" I guess it never occurred to me that I had a choice. From the day I made the decision to jump into this adventure I just knew I had to make it work. I needed this so badly. I needed something new and different, and I had already committed, I needed this to work out and to succeed. Turns out I like it a lot, lucky for me. In the back of my mind I knew whatever was meant to be would be and if I sucked at this job then I would get fired... so what? Life is too short to be stuck in a job you hate or aren't good at just because its there. I guess June 17th taught me a lot and has helped me grow in so many ways, because those are not words I ever thought would leave these lips. God has a plan for me and one day I'll know what it is. I don't stress on finding the answer now or trying to understand today, I sure don't need that stress in my life. Instead I live each day like its my last and hope not to make anyone mad at me along the way. I feel like I have sort of become this free bird, flying in the wind, with no direction. For the first time in my life I am wandering aimlessly and it doesn't seem to matter.

As for the job, yes I like it. Its just hard enough to be challenging and its also just easy enough that I don't feel stressed all the time. I get to talk to new people everyday and deal with a handful of people who I wish would leave me out of their bad day, because I sure don't bring them into mine. Boy would that shock someone if we got into a discussion at the merch booth about who deserves more sympathy. That might quite down the people who complain about the most ridiculous things to me. I get to eat at a bunch of new places and have recently been able to discover the great big and scary city known as Downtown L.A. Turns out its not so bad and I have been dying to take my camera with me to work and get some pictures. I could do without the hours that we work while we are here in town but once we are on the road Im pretty sure they will work better for me.

I ship out to Denver on January 3rd and am looking forward to re-discovering the city I didn't care much for just a few weeks ago during training. Hopefully this time will be different.

Here is the cities we will be visiting and the dates we will be there. If you will be in any of the cities at the same time send me a message and lets meet up!


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