Sunday, November 7, 2010


Ashley and I are learning so much. Since we started training on Wednesday we strangly feel very confidant in ourselves that we will be able to handle this. Since the first day I, myself, have a had a strange re-assurance that everything would be fine and we were going to do well. Don't get me wrong this job is not rocket science but there is always the anxiety and stress for a new job and how well you will do. Especially this time, so much more is riding on this one. This could potentially be bad for Ashley if I screw up or vice versa. However I know in my heart what will be, will be, and everything will work out how it should. I put on my big girl panties everyday and just deal with life as it comes my way. I have been given many gifts and blessings since Tyson passed away and one of them is the ability to pick myself up and keep on going. There are days I stay down on the ground longer than others but at the end of the day I still get back up.

A little update about our day yesterday... we started by taking the subway down to the Dakota, I believe that's how you spell it. It the home of John Lennon and ultimately where he was shot. Ash is a major Beatles fan so this was a huge check off her list. Standing there I had to think of his wife Yoko and how we have that very annoying similarity, the title of widow. I love the title because it means Tyson was once mine, but it also means I lost him as well.

From there we moved to Central Park to Strawberry Fields which was Johns favorite place in central park. Yoko bought some land a few years ago and had a piece of it dedicated to him. On the walkway there is a mosaic with the words "imagine" in the center... ya... imagine :)

From there we walked through central park for probably close to an hour and didn't even see all of it. We both agreed it was our favorite part about New York. It's really breath taking especially in the fall. We started getting hungry and found a cute deli to eat at. I got matzo ball soup, hitting my Jewish roots. Ashley was set to work on Next to Normal and I had the night off so I helped her sell during selling periods and snuck into the back of the theater and watched the first part of the show up until intermission. It is really deep and heavy and not for everyone, but I actually liked it. I did get a wee bit emotional watching one scene so I put off watching the 2nd half until we are on tour so that I dint get red eyed for my time here in NYC.

After work Ashley and I took the subway to meet up with an old high school friend who is here in New York with his girlfriend going to school. We sat in their appt and talked for a long time. Discussing just about everything before they took us to this great little fondue place close to their appt. We stayed till for a little while and then they helped us hail our first NY cab. This cab was no ordinary cab ride, it was Cash Cab! Well... not really, but he drove like an animal, ran a red light, sped way too fast in a tunnel under central park and may have run over a cat... it was touch and go there for a minute but we made it home alive.

Today is our last full day here and we decided not to run the nyc marathon this year. We don't want to show anyone up with our skills. We did offer to work the show Rock of Ages so that we could watch it. Other than that we don't really have plans so we are probably going to just take it easy and pack up our nyc bags to prepare for good ole Oklahoma.


  1. I love reading about your experiences! I didn't know you were leaving New York so fast, I thought you were staying 3 weeks or something. Keep the posts coming! Love it!

  2. Thank you for sharing all of this Lindsay~ not just the about the amazing things you and my baby sis get to do, but also for your personal heartfelt thought and feelings about Tyson. I know he is with you and Ashy and keeping you both safe and strong. I love you to pieces

  3. Lindsey, I love your posts! It's so wonderful to be able to hear what's going on with you and stay in touch. You are so honest and funny and cute. Pretty sure the cab driver ran over a cat?!?! I laughed out loud!
