Friday, December 17, 2010

When I Get Where I'm Going

I wanted to share a song that I have heard many times since Tyson passed away. I heard it before he died I just think its more obvious now since it means something totally different to me now.

I really do feel like if Tyson knew he was going to die before that day or could talk to me now this song expresses what he would feel...

I miss you Stinky... 100%


  1. boy thats the first time I really listed to that song.

  2. Oh, Lindsey, you never cease to amaze me! Thank you for always sharing your thoughts with us. I'm speechless. The combination you have of tenderness and strength floors me. I know life is hard for you right now, but there's such evidence of God giving you enough strength and insight to make it through each day. You have been an incredible testimony and example to me. Keep sharing. We love you!

  3. Thanks for sharing that song...just downloaded it onto my IPod...whenever I hear it I will pray for are still in our thoughts and prayers and we pray for you often. You are an inspiration and a visible picture of how our loving Father carries us along as we struggle through all the things that come our way.
